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memo marietta blau
...mariettaBLAU .
start Radio -
. science WOMEN
Meitner was solicited by Brockhaus an
encyclopedia editor, to write an article ,
he had read an article she wrote on the physical
aspects of radioactivity.
When she answered the letter adressed to
Herr Meitner and explained she was
a woman, the editor wrote back to
retract his request,
saying he never would publish
the work of a woman hey people until 2012
there is not much chance in public consciousnes
for lise had to leave germany 1938
and her achievement
tribute to otto hahn the nobel 1945
but hahn was only chemist!!! not physicist!!!
In 1945, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry
to Otto Hahn for the of nuclear
fission,overlooking the physicist
Lise Meitner, who collaborated with him
in the discovery and gave the first
theoretical explanation of the nuclear fission
process. --"forgetting" of the role
of the one discoverer. she worked with
hahn since the start..Hahn wasonly chemist.
Lise was physict. she never came back
to germany after ww2!!! ">Nuclear fision
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brockhaus herausgeber liest Artikel von Meitner
über die physikalischen Aspekt der Radioaktivität
und bittet dies drucken zu dürfen.
" bitte bestellen sie dem herrn Meitner"
LISE stellt klar sie sei nicht Herr
sondern Frau Meitner:
"..was ...eine Frau, nein von der wird
der Brockhaus keinen Artikel bringen..
nicht daran denken einen von einer Frau
verfassten Beitrag zu drucken..."
brockhaus war der utimative lexikon verlag damals.

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