return Label CARLA EGERER english
copyright USA
photographer, actress , camerawoman,
Scientist woman myMother BrocKhaus editor
producer, screenwriter, director
author ..crime . .........SANDRA WING
carla egerer biography| CARLA EGERER |
creator and producer of
1000 html network|
a reality and fiction mix||
youtube Know Global videos |

civil rights activist. ( bio scroll )
comic " the kiss of Redwoman".
Redwoman android flawed chip for total take over.
SUSI: 1990 free lance reporter,
2013 hard core bad girl.
working at european patent office hacker defence,
under cover for rebell media hack androids
EVILSTAR: 1990 feminist. 2013 Mediastrategist
victim images chips for media pax. supervising
prototype victim persecutor, to manipulate the masses.
Umberto Master US killer
Neroman showstar
Irvan Polonsky cameraman
Pinky Trueblue soundgirl
Manager producer victimshow
USTramp Melo radical excess New York
Yuppy Carman director searching sponsors
storyline studied photographie at Lette Verein Berlin.,
HFFMunich production and electronic broadcasting.
born Berlin, coldwar.
anna bacher scientist .. Dr.karl EGERER
liebfrauenschule and Lettehaus berlin
INTERVIEW .1995 Ultrasonic
HFF muenchen, production+ EB
Canal TV Blau. Barcelona.
TV Blau.
FILME Museum TU München
(technische universität münchen)
S+U-bahn- berlin 1908 bis 1997
ultraschall 1939-1995
AIRPORT Muenchen Riem

BERLIN1933 ....comicBook
mother biochemist vienna
crimes undurchsichtige personen
im GrosstadtChaos
Paris und Rom Virusresearch,
Schnüfflerin, , Wissenschaftsprojekt

the kiss of redwoman movie 18´ ENGLISH

Berlin 1995 Insel ....1908 BERLIN S-U TRAIN
ULTRASCHALL1995 movie 1997 muenchen
jews or arabs
muenchen docu 2008 ......camouflage
BARCELONA hafenseilbahn

MP3 audio"the kiss of red woman"

"insect" oil and foto by c.egerer

"beachwear collage by c.egerer all formal+ methods possible against academic+ industrial standards "moses wusch sich grad die füsse, als ihm der heilige geist ein schnitzel servierte" Moses washing his feet was suprised by holy spirit serving him a Viennese schnitzel art saatchi MOSES MOVIE ...... Jesusgirl and blind rapper saatchi art .............. MOSES MOVIE .... Jesusgirl and blind rapper

cArLa eGeREr..PrayerBox

"dali earth"oil collage by c.egerer

“wood brain under plexi shield” oil on chipboard, plexi shield, mirror foil,wood

"listen to your inner voice" ..
una ilusion_ Content concept: “d/m/eine wirklichkeit hip hop era „

I form the light and create darknes
I make peace and create evil KORAN

born Berlin,grewup coldwar.
liebfrauenschule and Lettehaus berlin
Fotografie, glasplate camera1930style
1995 ultraschall ... INTERVIEW .
HFF muenchen, production+ EB
Canal TV Blau. Barcelona. Spanisch
TV Blau.
FILME Museum TU München
(technische universität münchen)
S+U-bahn- berlin 1908 bis 1997
ultraschall 1939-1995
AIRPORT Muenchen Riem
.BERLIN1933 ....comicBook
mother biochemist vienna
anna bacher scientist ..
father physicist vienna.
USA scholarship dr.karl a. egerer
Mystery crimes undurchsichtige personen
im GrosstadtChaos
Paris und Rom Virusresearch,
Schnüfflerin, , Wissenschaftsprojekt

soundcloud bagdad RADIUM .. FILM NETZ
AIRPORTMUENCHEN RIEM .. movies old movies
CARLA aulaulu cente pompidou 1997 interviews
book TEEN dictators ...
studied at UAB Barcelona
Sitges Brigadoon,Manuel artigas Bertran,
Transformador ausia marc,
Berlin cafe Einstein, Utrecht Agfa building,
N.Y. 54th street, München Lothringer 13
collage c.e. copyright TIKTOK ....Instagram